Friday, December 31, 2010

1/1/2011 Happy New Year =))

3~~2~~1~~~!!! Happy New Year =))
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!!!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

31/12/2010 给2010一个Goodbye Kiss!!! =)

啊哈哈=)没错,今天是2010的最后一天了~ 很奇怪对不对?31.12.2010~ 恐怖! 明天就是1.1.2011~ 我16岁了=( 我几时变到酱老了? 真得很惨=[
2010年~ 其实最喜欢今年了~
喜欢PMR之前读书读到来不及的刺激~ =)
喜欢老师教完课本然后不用带课本去学校的感觉~ =)
喜欢在学校全班一起做练习纸做到显的时候~ =)
喜欢老师不在时我可以讲话讲到很大声,笑又笑到隔壁都听得到的滋味~ =)
喜欢PMR过后显到没有理由的日子~ =)
喜欢我们白吃到图书管关了就坐在操场对面, 傻到没事做只看着那片草场, 完全没有说话的画面~ =)
喜欢我们用了一整天时间做的video-LIKE A GOOD BOY~ =)
喜欢成绩公布那一天我们轻松到去Tasik Y吃早餐, 然后又紧张怕到不敢回学校, 在Tasik Y和韵仪现场连线~ =)
喜欢我们以为自己长大了,可以从早上玩到晚上才回家,然后回家又有可能会被骂的心情~ =)
喜欢每次流浪到不懂要去哪里的时候,第一个想到的就是:"回嘉欣的家!"~ =)
喜欢计划寿星婆的生日,弄到很神秘可是又不知道其实她什么都知道了~ =)
喜欢到了自己的生日一定要假装什么都不知道,装作很惊讶的样子~ =)
喜欢现在回顾2010所有我喜欢的东西~ =)
喜欢现在我已经想不到再有什么喜欢的事了~ =(
2011要来了!! 虽然这年应该会比2010更有挑战性~ 可是应该会蛮好玩的=)
还有,新的一年要更加认识自己~ 该放下的就忘记它~放不下的就去争取~ 许多我们曾以为都不会忘记的事情, 就在我们念念不忘的过程里被遗忘了...要相信时间可以改变一切=)
偶尔放纵一下自己, 不要老是逼自己去做自己不喜欢的事~ 累了就要休息~不然到时你累死了我是不会去救你的!!哈哈=) 可是要做的还是该做,有些事不要只为了自己,想想你身边的人=) 爱他们多一点点=)你会更开心的!
最后, 请大家观赏我自己认为2010最好的作品-LIKE A GOOD BOY!!! 掌声鼓励鼓励!!!!

Behind the scenes!!
谢谢观赏!!最后,我祝你新年快乐!!!大家加油!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
Bye =)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

28/12/2010 如果是今天=)

今天应该本来是我们拿PMR的大日子...可是后来改期了...如果是今天,那么我今天应该是7点就起床,然后去嘉欣家先,然后再去Tasik Y吃早餐..最后才去学校拿成绩=)如果是今天,我现在应该还没回到家...在嘉欣家做嘉敏同学的卡...如果是今天,那么我刚才下午是在DW唱歌=)如果是今天,我声音已经沙哑了=)
可是幸亏不是今天..不至于让我紧张将多天~ 今天真得很废!我竟然下午一点才起来~ 没办法,最近常失眠..睡不到13个小时就起来..真惨!!再过6天,只剩6天..就开学了=( 虽然不是一去学校就读书,应该会有Orientation先~ 可是想到开学就很显。。每天过着超有规律的生活..很想吐!
这个拜五要去学校当门神..我应该会想办法不要去~我真的不想去..做到酱辛苦,又没有钱拿~ 星期五,是2010的最后一天,我一定要过得有意思点!所以,下午以后的活动大概都安排好了=)可是暂时还没肯定~ 我班有举办一个party,可是我们有更重要的是要做,所以就不要去了=)哈哈=]

Saturday, December 25, 2010

26/12/2010 Sunday =(

Next week will be the last week of 2010... I feel so sad and down (Baby are u down down down down down??!).. 2011 is coming soon and I will study in form 4 next year!! OMG!! After 2 months of doing-nothing everyday..I have forgotten how to write and even hold a pen~ 8 days gonna reopen again!! I'm lazy to wake up early in the morning..Then go to school to see their terrible faces~!
The more terrible is.. Next year we have to study from 7.10-2.35 on every Monday!! And 7.15-4.15 on every Wednesday!!! What the ryan higa??!!*STRESSED*
I am going to school tomorrow for prefect meeting~ haizz.. Lazy to go but I have no choice~ We will discuss the rules next year and arrange the duty time for the registeration day..=( -Stop here-
Bye =)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

24/12/2010 New One=]

Hi!! I am starting to blog again=D
Welcome to my new bloggie~ Merry Christmas Eve :)
YEAH~ Yesterday was my biggest day:) I went to school with my dearest friends to face the truth=0 Before that, we went to eat roti canai at tasik Y~ What a lovely morning?!!! We're enjoying the breakfast while rachel was chatting with someone which is different with us~ Haha=D Almost 10am, we still at tasik Y and started to worry about our results~ 10.15am, the result was announced~ Rachel's name was the first one to be called out~ And my name was the last one..the last one among us~ Omg..I was shouting like crazy and the aunties were looking at us~ I was almost starting to cry actually :) Coz my name is start with A..but how come my name didn't appear??!! Hehe=] But in the end..we all are safe:)) Congratz to those who have succeeded and achieved their goals~ To those who are not satisfied with their results~ Never mind! Keep it up and work better for SPM!! You can do it!! Lets fighting together!!=]